When most people think about Mexican food, the first thing that may come to their mind is tacos or burritos. Many people don’t think about the many desserts that are offered at their favorite Mexican restaurants though. There are several Mexican desserts that are sure to satisfy that craving for something sweet and keep you coming back for more. Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant is here to talk about some of the delicious Mexican desserts that are simply waiting for you to try.
Common Mexican Desserts You Need to Try
While most people start eating their dinner with the intention to have dessert afterwards, it is easy to get carried away and feel too full once your plate is cleaned. That’s a shame, because we are about to talk about some delicious Mexican desserts that you could be missing out on.
– Churros: One of the most common and well known Mexican desserts out there is the churro. This fried batter that is then dipped in cinnamon and sugar is beloved by many. If you are going to eat it like they do in Mexico, you will want a big cup of chocolate to dip it in. Many people will also try it with other dipping sauces like fruit and caramel. You can’t go wrong with a churro.
– Flan: Another extremely popular dessert that is found at nearly every Mexican restaurant is flan. While this dessert dates back to the Romans, the Spanish were the first to put caramel sauce all over the top of it. This dessert is made with a mixture of eggs, sugar and cream to create a smooth and delicious explosion of goodness in your mouth.
– Fried Ice Cream: Many people love getting fried ice cream which is basically a ball of ice cream that is rolled in a corn flake mixture and then fried to create a crispy shell. It is then drizzled in chocolate sauce and served with whipped cream.
– Sopapillas: A fried, crispy pastry known as a sopapilla, is another delicious dessert that many people can’t resist. They are usually served with powdered sugar and even drizzled in either chocolate or caramel sauce to make the irresistible. Some people prefer to eat them drizzled in honey as well.
– Mini Chocolate Chimis: While most people don’t think about a chimichanga when they think about dessert, when you fill them with chocolate then fry them, they are a crowd pleaser. If you haven’t tried them, you definitely need to.
Authentic Mexican Cuisine in Las Vegas, Nevada (Just Minutes from Summerlin, North LV, Paradise, Lone Mountain & Henderson, NV)
Next time you decide to have Mexican food for dinner, don’t forget to leave room for some of the most delicious dessert out there. At Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant, we don’t only have a menu filled with delicious lunch and dinner dishes, we also offer a number of different desserts for our customers as well. There is a little bit of something for everyone. Come in today!