Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant continues to seek and provide authentic Mexican cuisine that’s full of flavors and a diverse menu. With each dish comes a bountiful variety of ingredients that comes together perfectly. As many love the taste of authentic Mexican food and delight in each dish many are unaware of the many health benefits found in Mexican cuisine. Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant would like to share how you can enjoy our great tasting food and improve your health.
Mexican Food is Rich in Vitamins & Minerals
There is a major source of needed vitamins and minerals found in many ingredients used in Mexican cuisine. Starting with our salsa which is rich in tomatoes, onions and spices. These come together in great taste and provide your body with Vitamin C. Guacamole is another favorite addition to a number of our Mexican cuisines and is also full vitamins such as vitamin K, B6, E. It also contains potassium and pantothenic acid which helps provide you with a healthier and stronger heart. There a ton of vitamins and minerals in our unique Mexican cuisine.
Some of the Best Soluble Fiber Foods
Soluble fiber is needed in order to have a healthier digestive system and even controls and lowers blood cholesterol and glucose levels in the body. Black beans and pinto beans are a staple in Mexican cuisine and have a ton of soluble fibers as well as protein. A half cup of beans provides the body with 7 grams of fiber. The average female should consumer 25 grams of fiber a day and men should have 30 grams of fiber or more a day. Many people may find they never consume enough fiber in a single day for a health digestive system. When adding Mexican dishes to your daily diet you may find you increase your fiber intake to reach proper daily fiber consumption.
Spicy Capsaicin is Salsa & More
Capsaicin is a chemical component found in pepper and chilies. Capsaicin is what makes pepper and chilies hot when you eat them. Capsaicin is widely use as a pain reliever topical to help fight pain and aches. When you eat pepper and chilies, which a common ingredient in Mexican food, you are consuming a lot of Capsaicin. Capsaicin has been used as prevention and treatment of prostate cancers, according to American Association for Cancer Research. Capsaicin also is known to help control cholesterol levels and relieves congestion.
High Protein Foods
Protein is the building block of life. We require protein to feed our muscles and provide us with energy. Protein can be found in a number of Mexican dishes and ingredients. Beans are packed full of protein, as well as the meats used in Mexican dishes. However, too much meat is also bad which is why you will want to moderate your meat intake. However, Mexican food comes with a great balance of meat and beans which provides a good balance of protein while not consuming too much meat.
Traditional Mexican Cuisine in Las Vegas, Nevada (Just Minutes from Summerlin, North LV & Henderson, NV
Mexican cuisine can be enjoyed at home or at your favorite restaurant. You can enjoy great tasting food and help manage your health. When you want authentic Mexican food, the Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant, soon to be a Las Vegas family favorite, looks forward to satisfying your cravings!