Tomatillos are a fruit that is often used in Mexican cuisine, but if you aren’t familiar with them, you may not know how to use them in your own cooking. They are delicious when you prepare them the right way and pair them with the right foods. Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant is here to talk about tomatillos and share some tips of how you can use them in your cooking at home.
What is a Tomatillo?
Tomatillos are a fruit (technically a berry) that are green and have a papery husk around them. They have many tiny seed in them, similar to a tomato, and are in the same family as tomatoes, potatoes and peppers. The word tomatillo, or little tomato in Spanish, are also known as tomates verdes (green tomatoes). These aren’t the same as American green tomatoes though. Tomatillos are both sour and sweet. They can be compared to a green apple but have a citrusy flavor and dry texture. They differ from tomatoes as they are still firm even when they are ripe.
What is the Best Way to Eat Tomatillos?
There are several different ways that you can eat tomatillos. Here are some of the most popular uses for this green fruit.
– Roasted Tomatillo in Salsa Verde: This is the best and most common way tomatillos are used in cooking. They make a fabulous green salsa when they are combined with garlic, chilies and fresh cilantro leaves after the tomatillos have been boiled.
– Tomatillo as a Topping: Once you have made a batch of salsa with tomatillos, the salsa makes a great topping to your favorite burritos or tacos. This salsa is also used on huevos rancheros, enchiladas, pork chile verde and more.
– Broil Tomatillos: You can broil tomatillos to give your salsa a roasted flavor. If you are looking to make a creamier salsa, add an avocado.
– Fry Tomatillos: Tomatillos can also be fried to perfection much like America’s fried green tomatoes.
– Add Tomatillos to Drinks: Tomatillos make a great Green Bloody Mary. To make one, you will need to blend tomatillos, lime juice, cucumbers and a jalapeno in your blender. Add some vodka and serve with your favorite Bloody Mary toppings.
– Tomatillo Soups: If you are looking for a green tortilla soup, adding tomatillos to it rather than normal tomatoes is a great way to do it.
– Eat Tomatillos Raw: Most people that eat and cook with tomatillos will cook them to bring out a sweet flavor. However, you can choose to eat them raw as well. When you chop them up and add them to ceviche or chow-chow, it can be delicious.
Authentic Mexican Cuisine in Las Vegas, Nevada (Just Minutes from Summerlin, North LV, Paradise, Lone Mountain & Henderson, NV)
If you are looking for some authentic Mexican food that you don’t have to learn to prepare yourself, look no further. Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant offers a large menu, full of delicious dishes that are sure to please everyone in your party. Come in today!