When many people think about Mexican food, salsa is one of the first things that come to mind. What many people don’t realize, is that there are many different types of salsa within Mexican food that can accompany certain dishes and bring out different flavors. Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant is here to talk about some of the different types of salsa you may see when you sit down at a Mexican restaurant for dinner.
Salsa Roja Picante
This is one of the most common and famous Mexican salsas. When it is interpreted it means “red sauce.” The salsa is made using bright red tomatoes which give it the rich color. Other ingredients that give this salsa its flavor onions, peppers and garlic. are This salsa is related closest to the jarred salsa that so many people in the states love. When you eat at most Mexican restaurants, salsa roja and chips are a side dish that is usually served on the house. It is also paired with tacos, burritos and many other popular Mexican dishes.
Pico de Gallo
This fresh salsa is made from a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables without going through a cooking process. Another name for pico de gallo is salsa cruda. For those that are looking for a little spice, there are often jalapeno peppers or serrano peppers added to the salsa to give it that extra kick. If you are looking for a mild flavor, bell peppers are usually pepper of choice. There is also fresh lime juice and cilantro added to this salsa for extra flavor. Many people like to top tacos with this fresh flavorful salsa.
Salsa Verde
While many salsas are made using red tomatoes, salsa verde is made using tomatillos, which are green. There are other ingredients, similar to those used in salsa roja, to give this sauce more flavor. Many people will also consider chimichurri sauce, a green Argentinian sauce made with cilantro and parsley, another form of salsa verde.
Salsa Ranchera
If you are looking for a salsa that has a richer, smokier flavor, you will love salsa ranchera. The tomatoes that are used to make salsa ranchera are roasted which will give it that smokey flavor you’re after. Many people will use salsa ranchera to go atop their huevos rancheros, a famous breakfast dish. This is not its only use though it works well when used as a dip as well as topping for other Mexican dishes.
Authentic Mexican Cuisine in Las Vegas, Nevada (Just Minutes from Summerlin, North LV, Paradise, Lone Mountain & Henderson, NV
Salsa takes on many forms, and each of them are delicious in their own right. A lot of the time, the type of salsa you are eating depends on your location and that area’s traditions. Aztecs, Mayans and Incas all had their own versions of the salsas that are listed above, and as time has passed, they have evolved into the delicious sauces that we enjoy today. At Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant, you can enjoy many different types of salsas on our wide variety of dishes. Come in today!