When you are looking for a great Mexican style dinner you have to look for the right spices and blends. Many dishes have some element of rice, beans, tortillas and more. There is an aspect of Mexican food that is a must and can make a dish and send it over the edge. The cheese that you choose to use needs to be the right type. There are some types of cheese that are best when used in a Mexican dish. You want to understand the different types of cheese and which would go best with your next dish. Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant outlines the different types of cheese used in Mexican dishes.
Queso Fresco
There are many types of cheese that can be used in a dish that is deemed Mexican. One of the types of cheeses that can be used is called queso fresco. This is a soft cheese that is usually small bits that are broken up and placed over the top of dishes. There are menu items that this is inside of but more often than that it is used as a topping. You can use it on guacamole and tacos. You want to make sure that you give this type of cheese a shot and add it to your favorite Mexican dish.
Cotija Cheese Crumble
This type of cheese is one that comes from a cows milk. It is considered a hard cheese and it also a cheese that is crumbly. This type of cheese has a little bit of a bold flavor and is great with a salty dish. This crumbly cheese is a great addition to many of the dishes that need a last minute topping.
Manchego Cheese Uses
If you want to use a cheese that is a mix of cow and goat milk then a good manchego is the way to go. This cheese was originally from Spain but has been used in Mexico for a long time. It is slightly aged and can have a nutty flavor that will add some great flavor and texture to your main dish.
Asadero Cheese
Another option that you have when you are using a Mexican dish is to go for asadero cheese. There are lots of cheeses that you will find that is crumbly but many times you need to use a cheese that will melt. Asadero is a cheese that is great when you want something that will be able to melt on and over your meal.
Best Mexican Cheeses & More in Las Vegas, Nevada (Just Minutes from Summerlin, North LV & Henderson, NV)
There are lots of cheeses you can choose from when making a Mexican dish. If you are not sure it is best to taste some of the options and to decide if that particular dish should have cheese at all. There are also dishes in the Mexican culture that do not use cheese and should be left with the spices and flavors that are originally prepared. When you go out to eat at a restaurant to eat they will let you know what is on each of the dishes. Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant will offer a huge array of dishes that include delicious cheese blends. We look forward to serving you once we open in early September!