When you hear the word lard, it can instantly be a turnoff for many people. It sounds unhealthy and therefore, we should turn up our noses at it, right? That may have been something that has been assumed for many years, but recently more and more people are finding that there are benefits that come with incorporating lard in your diet. Luckily, Mexican food has been doing it for years; so, this is nothing new. Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant is here to talk about lard, its benefits, and how it is used in Mexican cuisine.
What is Lard Made From?
You may be asking what lard is, exactly? To put it into simple terms, it is pig fat. Lard is soft in texture and can easily be compared to the consistency of butter. While pigs have it almost everywhere on their bodies, lard is mostly found the belly, the back and around the organs. Different quality lard comes from certain areas in the pig though. Here is a breakdown:
– Leaf Lard: This is the highest quality and most sought after lard. It is found around the kidneys and the loin. People like this lard the most because it doesn’t have a strong pork flavor and can easily be used in baking as a result.
– Fatback: Next, fatback lard is the second best and is found just as the name implies, on the back. It is also highly sought after because it has a smooth texture. The flavor is usually light and savory which make it a chef’s best friend to replace their oils. This is the lard that is used in making sausage.
– Caul Fat: No one is usually trying to get their hands on this type of fat as caul fat is the lowest quality lard in the pig. It is harvested around the organs of the pig. It has a net-like membrane around it and is often used to wrap around leaner meats.
Is Eating Lard Good for You?
Whether you believe it or not, there are many health benefits that can come from adding lard to your diet. While many people know that fat is a necessary part of anyone’s diet, they may not know that lard is a great source. Here are the benefits:
– Filled with vitamin D
– Heat stable and less of a cancer risk
– Natural food
– Lower in cholesterol
Authentic Mexican Cuisine in Las Vegas, Nevada (Just Minutes from Summerlin, North LV, Paradise, Lone Mountain & Henderson, NV)
Lard is used widely in Mexican cuisine. It is one of the main ingredients in the tortillas that are a favorite in many of the Mexican dishes served at Eddie’s Mexican Restaurant. We also use lard in making tamales and in our refried beans. There are many different varieties of foods in our comprehensive lunch and dinner menu that you can choose from. The next time you’re looking for some delicious Mexican food, stop on in. Come by today!